From Prep to Plate: Unveiling the Secrets of the Meal Kit Business (Part 1)

Sinduja Ramanujam
8 min readJan 4, 2024


Welcome to the exciting world of Meal Kits! In this 3 part series you will get to enjoy the ins and outs of what this industry has to offer. In Part 1, we’ll dive into the basics of setting up a Meal Kit business, understanding user segmentation, and identifying the needs of those who would benefit most from this innovative product and cover what it takes to setup the business.

Part 2 will explore the thrill of acquiring customers, navigating the challenges in customer acquisition, and the secrets to retaining and growing your customer base.

But that’s not all — Part 3 will be an engaging conversation with a product leader in the Meal Kit industry. Stay tuned for insights, strategies, and the inside scoop on what makes this business thrive!

With that let’s dive into Part 1!


Imagine Ananya, a working mother returning home after a long day at the office. As she rushes against the clock, the looming question of what to prepare for the evening meal echoes through her mind. The pantry stares back with its usual array of ingredients, but the inspiration for a quick, delicious, and healthy dinner seems elusive.

Ananya is not alone in this daily culinary puzzle. In the chaotic rhythm of modern life, the evening chore of deciding what to cook for dinner can often turn a kitchen into a battleground of indecision. Many households grapple with the challenge of balancing a desire for home-cooked meals with the realities of time constraints and the ever-present quest for variety in the family menu. This scenario is a familiar one globally, where the age-old question of “What’s for dinner?” can evoke a mix of frustration and creativity.

The routine of contemplating meals isn’t merely about sustenance; it’s about creating moments of connection, exploration, and joy around the dinner table. It’s against this backdrop that subscription meal kit services have emerged as culinary game-changers, promising a solution to the perennial problem of meal planning.

Topic Introduction:

Subscription meal kit services promise a transformative experience to busy individuals and cooking enthusiasts alike. By delivering pre-portioned ingredients and chef-curated recipes directly to customers’ doorsteps, these services eliminate the hassles of meal planning and grocery shopping, making home-cooked meals accessible and enjoyable.

User Segmentation and needs

To truly understand the impact of subscription meal kit services, it’s essential to recognize their target user segments. These services cater to a diverse audience, each with unique needs and preferences.

Busy Professionals

  • Subscription meal kits resonate with individuals leading hectic lives, particularly professionals juggling demanding careers. For this segment, time is a precious commodity, and the convenience of having fresh ingredients and creative recipes delivered directly addresses their time constraints.

Families Seeking Convenience

  • Families, often with both parents working, find value in the simplicity and convenience offered by meal kit services. These kits reduce the stress associated with planning and shopping for meals, providing a hassle-free solution for families looking to enjoy home-cooked dinners without the exhaustive preparation.

Cooking Enthusiasts and Foodies

  • Subscription meal kits appeal to those who have a passion for cooking but may not have the time to plan intricate meals or source diverse ingredients. The curated recipes and high-quality ingredients cater to the culinary curiosity of this segment, offering a convenient way to experiment with new dishes.

Individuals Exploring New Cuisines

  • For individuals eager to explore global flavors and diverse cuisines, subscription meal kits offer an accessible avenue. The kits often feature recipes inspired by international dishes, allowing users to broaden their culinary horizons without the need to locate specialty ingredients.

Health-Conscious Consumers

  • With an increasing focus on health and nutrition, subscription meal kits attract users who prioritize fresh, wholesome ingredients. These individuals appreciate the transparency in ingredient sourcing and portion control, aligning with their health-conscious lifestyle.

Understanding these target user segments provides insights into why subscription meal kit services have gained widespread popularity. The tailored value proposition addresses the unique needs of busy professionals, families, cooking enthusiasts, culinary explorers, and health-conscious consumers alike.

All this is great but what does it really take to set up and run such a business. It definitely is not easy to set it up, acquire the customers and to keep them happy and in a business like food it is even more difficult as food for many is an emotion rather than a chore.

Setting up and running the business

Embarking on the meal kit business journey involves navigating a landscape shaped by various factors that influence success. There are 2 things that I tend to do when thinking about investing in something new and I want to use the same framework for analyzing this business opportunity — Porter’s 5 forces for defining the product strategy and SWOT analysis across the various competitors in the market today to understand the pitfalls and the opportunities.

Porter’s 5 sources

Supplier Power:

  • Supplier power in the meal kit industry is generally moderate. While there may be various suppliers for ingredients, packaging, and logistics, the quality and freshness of ingredients are crucial. Establishing strong relationships with reliable suppliers and diversifying sources can mitigate risks associated with supplier power.

Buyer Power:

  • Buyer power is relatively high in the meal kit sector. Consumers have the flexibility to choose from various meal kit providers or opt for traditional alternatives like grocery shopping or restaurant delivery. Companies must focus on building brand loyalty, offering unique recipes, and ensuring customer satisfaction to maintain a competitive edge.

Competitive Rivalry:

  • Competitive rivalry is intense within the meal kit industry. Numerous players are vying for market share, resulting in price competition and innovation in recipe offerings. Differentiation through unique recipes, dietary plans, and branding is crucial for companies to stand out amidst strong competition.

Threat of Substitution:

  • The threat of substitution is significant. Consumers have various alternatives, including traditional grocery shopping, restaurant takeout, and ready-made meal options. Meal kit companies need to continually innovate, provide convenience, and emphasize the benefits of their service to keep customers from switching to other alternatives.

Threat of New Entry:

  • The threat of new entry is moderate. While the meal kit industry has seen the entry of several players, establishing a successful operation requires significant investments in supply chain, logistics, and marketing. Existing companies with established brand recognition and efficient operations have a competitive advantage against new entrants.

In summary, the meal kit industry faces challenges related to balancing supplier and buyer power, intense competition, and the constant threat of substitution. Successful companies in this sector will need to strategically manage these forces by focusing on differentiation, innovation, and building strong relationships with both suppliers and consumers. Keep in mind that industry dynamics may evolve, so it’s essential to stay updated on the latest developments.

Now let’s pivot and look at a SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) analysis of the players in this market as of today.

SWOT Analysis


Convenience: Meal kits offer a convenient solution for consumers, providing pre-portioned ingredients and easy-to-follow recipes, saving time on meal planning and grocery shopping.

Diverse Dietary Options: Many meal kit companies cater to a variety of dietary preferences, including vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and other specialized plans, appealing to a broad customer base.

Innovative Recipes: Companies that continuously introduce unique and innovative recipes can capture consumer interest and loyalty, setting themselves apart in a competitive market.

Brand Recognition: Established meal kit companies with strong brand recognition benefit from customer trust, making it easier to attract and retain users.


  • High Operating Costs: Managing the supply chain, packaging, and delivery logistics can contribute to high operating costs for meal kit companies.
  • Sustainability Concerns: Packaging waste and the environmental impact of meal kit services can be a concern, and companies need to address these issues to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
  • Customer Churn: While attracting customers is important, retaining them can be challenging. Some customers may opt for traditional alternatives or stop using meal kit services due to various reasons.


  • Health and Wellness Trends: The growing focus on health and wellness provides an opportunity for meal kit companies to develop and promote plans that align with consumers’ health goals.
  • Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborations with food influencers, nutritionists, or fitness experts can enhance brand credibility and attract a wider audience.
  • Global Expansion: Exploring new markets and expanding internationally allows companies to tap into diverse consumer preferences and potentially increase market share.
  • Use of AI tools to enhance the experience: The growing focus on the AI landscape and its disruption within every market provides us with an unique opportunity to disrupt the market and redefine how meal kits are perceived and how the experience could change end to end for the user (more on this in the nexus beyond section ;) )


  • Competition: Intense competition in the meal kit industry means companies must consistently innovate and differentiate to stay ahead.
  • Supply Chain Disruptions: External factors like weather events, global crises, or disruptions in the supply chain can impact ingredient availability and increase costs.
  • Changing Consumer Preferences: Shifting consumer preferences, such as a preference for restaurant delivery over cooking at home, pose a threat to the meal kit industry.

This SWOT analysis provides a snapshot of the industry’s current landscape, highlighting both internal and external factors that can influence the success of meal kit companies. It’s important for businesses to continually assess and adapt their strategies in response to evolving market dynamics.

Other considerations

Apart from the other considerations above, here are a few more things to keep in mind and look out for when launching a product/service like subscription meal kits.

Revenue Streams:
The primary revenue stream for subscription meal kit services comes from subscription fees. Customers typically pay a recurring fee for a weekly or monthly subscription, gaining access to a set number of meals per week. Some services may also offer add-ons or premium options for an additional charge.

Cost Structure:
The cost structure involves sourcing high-quality ingredients, packaging, and logistics for efficient delivery. Additionally, marketing and customer acquisition costs play a role, as these services often invest heavily in advertising to attract new subscribers.

These services primarily operate through online platforms, allowing customers to sign up, customize their meal preferences, and manage their subscriptions. The subscription model is convenient, with deliveries coordinated through a streamlined online interface.

Key Partnerships:
Subscription meal kit services often form partnerships with local farmers, food producers, and distributors to ensure a fresh and diverse supply of ingredients. Collaborations with popular chefs or influencers may also enhance the brand’s appeal.

Customer Relationships:
Maintaining a positive customer relationship is essential for subscription meal kit services. Offering flexibility in subscriptions, addressing customer inquiries promptly, and continuously improving the user experience contribute to long-term customer retention.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP):
The unique selling proposition lies in the combination of convenience, variety, and the joy of cooking without the burden of extensive meal planning. Each service distinguishes itself through its recipes, sourcing practices, and commitment to sustainability.


Subscription meal kit services are inherently scalable. As the customer base grows, the operational model can be expanded to accommodate increased demand without significantly escalating costs, making scalability a key strength of this business model.

Read part 2 here.

