From Prep to Plate: Unveiling the Secrets of the Meal Kit Business (Part 2)

Sinduja Ramanujam
7 min readJan 4, 2024


Welcome to Part 2 of the meal kit series. Part 2 will explore the thrill of acquiring customers, navigating the challenges in customer acquisition, and the secrets to retaining and growing your customer base.

Before you read this, read Part 1.

Acquiring new Customers

Attracting and retaining users in the fiercely competitive meal kit industry poses unique challenges. The process begins with acknowledging and addressing these challenges, ranging from educating consumers about the concept to managing cost perceptions and overcoming the saturation in the market. Understanding the cost of user acquisition is paramount, and entrepreneurs must strategically leverage both modern and traditional channels to reach their target audience.

Challenges in Acquiring Users

Educating consumers:

Educating consumers about meal kits during the acquisition phase is challenging due to the novelty of the concept. Overcoming awareness gaps, dispelling cost perceptions, and convincing users to change habits are key hurdles. Ensuring clarity on the quality, freshness, and sustainability of ingredients is essential, along with addressing concerns about subscription commitments and environmental impact. A nuanced marketing strategy highlighting simplicity, variety, and health benefits, alongside trial options and customer testimonials, is crucial to building trust and overcoming consumer reservations about embracing this innovative approach to meal planning and preparation.

Managing cost perceptions:

Managing cost perceptions poses a significant challenge for meal kit companies. Consumers may perceive meal kits as relatively expensive compared to traditional alternatives. Convincing users that the convenience, time savings, and quality of ingredients justify the cost is crucial. Additionally, addressing the perception that meal kits are a luxury rather than a practical solution for everyday meals is essential. Striking the right balance between cost and value is imperative, requiring transparent communication about the overall benefits and affordability of the service. Providing discounts, promotions, and cost-effective subscription options can be effective strategies to address and mitigate cost-related concerns among users.

Note: While offering discounts can be an effective short-term strategy to attract customers, the downside lies in the potential establishment of a precedent where customers expect continual discounts. This may lead to a diminished perceived value of the product or service, erosion of profit margins, and challenges in raising prices to sustainable levels. Customers conditioned to expect discounts may be less loyal, and the brand could be perceived more for affordability than quality. To avoid these pitfalls, businesses should strategically plan discount offerings, communicate their temporary nature, and focus on building customer loyalty beyond price considerations.

Overcoming market saturation:

Acquiring new customers in a saturated market demands strategic differentiation and a compelling value proposition. Targeted marketing, personalized customer experiences, and continuous innovation are crucial for standing out.A diverse marketing approach, including online and offline channels, is key, and fostering long-term relationships through loyalty programs is equally critical. Regular monitoring of market dynamics and a readiness to adapt to changing trends ensure a resilient customer acquisition strategy in the face of saturation and these are done through the typical ways of reaching a customer either through experimentation or understanding their needs by talking to them directly and incorporating their responses and needs via product experiences.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

One other significant challenge and cost in this market is the cost of acquiring a new customer. The Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) for subscription meal kit services can vary, influenced by marketing strategies, competition, and customer retention efforts. On average, industry reports suggest that the CAC for such services can range from $50 to $150 per customer (sources: Industry reports and market research, company annual reports etc.) This cost includes marketing expenses, advertising campaigns, and any promotional activities aimed at acquiring new subscribers. To recoup the CAC and ensure profitability, subscription meal kit services typically focus on:

Customer Retention:

  • Encouraging customer loyalty is vital. Offering promotions for extended subscriptions, introducing loyalty programs, and ensuring a seamless and satisfying customer experience contribute to high retention rates.

Upselling and Cross-Selling:

  • Maximizing revenue from existing customers is crucial. This involves offering additional services, premium meal options, or add-ons, enhancing the average revenue per user (ARPU).

Referral Programs:

  • Leveraging existing customers as advocates through referral programs can significantly reduce CAC. Incentivizing customers to refer friends and family helps attract new subscribers at a lower cost.

Optimizing Marketing Channels:

  • Regularly evaluating the effectiveness of marketing channels and optimizing strategies based on data analytics can lead to more efficient customer acquisition, reducing overall costs.

Retaining the acquired customers

Okay, so you have acquired the customers and they have used your meal kits, at least once. Now what? Well, now begins the game of retaining these customers. There are so many players in the market today that it becomes virtually impossible to keep the customers happy and within the platform if the services you offer do not talk to/cater to their main needs.

I want to use this section to talk about the challenges involved in retaining these customers and the tactics that the businesses use/have used to do the same.

Challenges involved and strategies to overcome

New Competition in the market

From the SWOT section you would have noticed that the way to get into the market is not very difficult but with this comes a lot of challenges to retain the users. There are always to create this business and have people shuttle around the various options in the market.

Overcoming Strategy: Let’s look at a way to turn this into an opportunity. Differentiate through unique recipes, specialty dietary options, or exclusive partnerships. Regularly reassess pricing strategies to remain competitive while maintaining profitability.

Changing customer preferences

Think about the people’s preferences before, during and after the pandemic. Every market went through an overhaul and this market was no different. This is one such example of changing customer preferences and there are constant changes to how the customers perceive this product and constant changes to the core needs of the user segmentation we stated above.

Overcoming Strategy: Stay agile by monitoring trends and adapting menu offerings accordingly. Diversify services or introduce innovative features to align with evolving consumer preferences.

Ingredient sourcing and quality control

This is key, there is no way to cut corners here. One of the main reasons why customers choose a meal kit and opt out from just ordering a take out is to have a holistic experience and want to consume ingredients that are fresh, healthy and full of flavor apart from the whole experience of cooking. As a meal kit experience there are multiple providers that you would use to source the ingredients and hence it is even more key to control the overall quality of the raw ingredients sources.

The next step in the process is how to retain the freshness until the package reaches the customer and they are ready to use. This is all about how you package, transport and store these ingredients until they are ready to open the kits and start cooking. Keep in mind there is a lot involved in this process and it is very important to get right to make sure your customers have nothing to complain about here. One mistake and you are probably not seeing that customer coming back.

Overcoming Strategy: Forge strong partnerships with reputable suppliers. Implement rigorous quality control measures throughout the supply chain and communicate transparently with customers about sourcing practices.

The nexus beyond (growing the business)

All the points above will help the business go from 0–1, now let’s briefly look at what it would mean to go from 1 — n. I want to break up this section into 2 phases, traditional ideas for the nexus beyond and new age/modern ideas for the nexus beyond.

Traditional ideas include ideas like exploring new and diverse offerings that include expanding to other demographics and other cuisines than the one started and expanding to new regions or user segments amongst other things. For the new era think more customization and personalization, enhance customer engagement by offering more customization options. Personalized meal plans, flexible subscription models, and tailored recommendations can attract and retain a diverse customer base. Here I want to call out enhancing the experiences with AI. I am going to go an extra mile here and talk about a potential user experience that would enhance the overall experience of the user.

Imagine having an experience where you have integrated the recipe card or some artifact that comes with the meal kit with an AI assistant. The user can invoke the help of AI anywhere in the process. I.e. They can call upon the AI genie if they want more help with the general recipe itself or have a conversation about how to change the flavor or increase the quantity of the same dish to serve more people. Have other ingredients in the fridge? How about you ask this meal kit AI to help you access adding the ingredients in the fridge into this recipe and how about giving that back to the community of meal kit users. You are bringing together the power of AI and community. What could get better than that!? 😀

