Read me — how to read my blog

Sinduja Ramanujam
2 min readMay 6, 2021


Welcome to Curious Nexus, a unique take on the seemingly obvious but surprisingly complex topics.

I started reading about many business strategies and concepts in 2020 and started asking questions about why companies do things a certain way or how have they been successful for such a long time etc., and thought there have to be others like me wondering the same thing and that’s how Curious Nexus was born. You will read articles here that talk about how theoretical concepts are being applied to businesses in general and also my take of product management concepts and how they can be applied to practical scenarios.

Every article on Curious Nexus will take seemingly simple topics from everyday life and I will deep-dive into talking about the theory behind these topics and how it is being applied towards the broader business.


The first section in my article will provide a brief introduction and background context on the topic. I will try and cover a few questions that triggered writing the article and also a gentle introduction into the concept itself.

Topic Introduction and Conceptual Framework

The second and third sections talk about the “theory” behind this idea, laying down the appropriate foundations. Where possible, I will try to provide you with additional references and also practical application of the theory into practical real life examples.

The Nexus Beyond

We learn by making connections! Therefore, the third section will draw parallels between this theory and other similar topics where applicable. Here you will see I will pull other businesses or real life scenarios that are using the concept explained in addition to the one covered in the conceptual framework section.

That’s it for the read me, happy reading and feedback are always welcome!

